
Working Height | 12.33m 40ft 6in
Platform Height | 10.33m 34ft
Working Outreach | 5m 16ft 6in
Safe Working Load | 200kg 440lbs 500lbs
Minimum Weight | 1195kg 2630lbs

Working Height | 12.2m 40ft
Platform Height | 10.2m 33ft 6in
Working Outreach | 6.1m 20ft
Safe Working Load | 200kg 440lbs 440lbs
Minimum Weight | 1400kg 3100lbs

Working Height | 14.7m 48ft 6in
Platform Height | 12.7m 42ft
Working Outreach | 7.55m 25ft
Safe Working Load | 225kg 500lbs 500lbs
Minimum Weight | 1775kg 3915lbs

Working Height | 17.1m 56ft
Platform Height | 15.1m 49ft 6in
Working Outreach | 8.7m 28ft 6in
Safe Working Load | 200kg 440lbs 440lbs
Minimum Weight | 2160kg 4760lbs

Working Height | 21m 69ft
Platform Height | 19m 62ft 6in
Working Outreach | 12m 39ft 6in
Safe Working Load | 225kg 500lbs 500lbs
Minimum Weight | 3495kg 7700lbs
Towable Aerial Platform Information
Our tow-behind aerial platforms are easy to transport between sites, and just as easy to set up with manual or hydraulic outriggers*. Compact and light, these platforms offer fantastic working envelopes for your site, with a platform height range of 34ft to over 64ft.
With proportional controls at your fingertips, these towable aerial platforms offer hassle-free operation and come with an array of useful features such as jib-booms, platform rotations, telescopic booms, and hydraulic outriggers*.
Available Tow-Behind Aerial Platform Power Options
For power options, you're spoiled for choice: AC, Gas, 'Bi-Energy' (engine and battery), and Diesel are available in our range of towable aerial platforms.
Further Questions
If you have any questions about our tow-behind aerial platforms, or for any of our products and services, contact Niftylift USA today and one of our expert team will be happy to help you.
* Not available on all models, check specification sheets for details of exact features.