Niftylift Falls Victim to Fake News Attack
Scandal over rumours claiming that Niftylift uses helium to make its machines so light.
Saturday 1 April 2023
A recent ‘breaking news’ story from Network News claims to reveal Niftylift’s secrets in never before seen footage. But we want to assure our customers that the story is fake news. Please do not watch this video.
This fake news reports that Niftylift has engineered our machines to be so light by filling them with helium. These rumours have spread like wildfire, with people worldwide reporting sightings of floating Niftylift machines in the sky.
Niftylift has been the victim of a slanderous media attack and wants to publicly state that our engineers would never do such a ridiculous thing; they have been trained to the highest standards - so rest assured, this slanderous theory is simply not true.
The investigation into the rogue reporter and the genius photoshopper(s) behind this scandal is ongoing, but we are determined to bring them to justice and exonerate the Niftylift brand.
Our machines are impressively light, but not that light!