Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2015
This statement is made pursuant to Section 54 (clause 6) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, which constitutes Niftylift Ltd.'s 'Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement' for the current financial year.
Organisational Structure
Niftylift Ltd purchases parts and materials through a supply chain consisting of over 200 suppliers from 19 different countries. The management of this multi-level supply chain is complex and challenging, and it is essential we ensure sustainability, and that ethical policies are in place, from raw material acquisition through to finished part delivery and assembly.
Policies and Due Diligence
Human rights and environmental issues within the supply chain are primarily the responsibility of the supplier. However, Niftylift Ltd. are committed to maintaining and improving systems and procedures, in order to identify and address human rights violations related to its own operations, supply chain and products. We actively communicate our expectations to our suppliers in our 'Code of Conduct' via our Vendor Partnership Manual (15.0 Code of Conduct).
Commercial audits are performed on suppliers, which target amongst other things, the supplier's organisational structure, its trading policies and supply performance. Supply chain commercial decisions are dependent on a supplier's overall performance and are reviewed periodically.
Within the organisation Niftylift Ltd. actively adhere to ISO 26000 - Social Responsibility, and information regarding slavery and human trafficking is made available on the company's intranet to raise awareness within the organisation.
Risk Management
It is our aim to source from suppliers based in countries with well-developed legal systems and a good track record on human rights. This is not always possible however due to some commodity constraints, but in all cases Niftylift Ltd. aim to assess the risk of slavery and human trafficking at each level of the supply chain, taking into account issues such as geographical location, political and economic factors. For example, as of 2016 Niftylift Ltd. are conducting an 18 month case study on the potential risks of sourcing electrical/electronic products from certain areas of Asia. This is in response to recommendations from leading human rights organisations, which have identified the electronics market, in particular, as high risk in these regions.
Staff Training on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking
We will communicate this statement and provide training when deemed appropriate to all our staff to ensure a level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains, our business and how to manage those risks effectively.
Steven Redding
Development Director, Niftylift Limited